Teaching essay writing
Friday, September 4, 2020
Strategic Marketing Management Customers at Work
Question: Depict about the Strategic Marketing Management for the Customers at Work Circumstances? Answer: Changing microenvironment factors that sway on Ford Microenvironmental factors Microenvironmental factors are relying upon different dynamic partners of an organization. These partners have their incredible impact on the business. To execute the natural variables on the associations, Ford has been decided for this examination (Dunkel Kleemann, 2013). The impacts of microenvironmental factors are greatly affecting the promoting of the Ford. The elements are portrayed as follow: Clients: Ford has a phenomenal client base everywhere throughout the world. They additionally give client benefits and versatile help for the clients. Contingent upon the market the Ford is increasing more client care from various nations (Dunkel Kleemann, 2013). Providers: The providers are extremely predominant in the Ford. The merchants are giving the best items at a low cost as the market is getting particularly serious. In this way, this is turning into an incredible effect on the association. Merchants: wholesalers are advancing the vehicles for the association and furthermore making the item proficiently to the clients. The Ford has numerous dealers who advance and sell the items legitimately to the general population (Shankar Carpenter, 2012). Contenders: The opposition level of the vehicle business is a lot of great. He BMW, Volkswagen, Benz, and Hyundai are the principle contenders of the association. the opposition level is: SWOT examination Quality Shortcoming 1. Expanding client base 2. Universal development 3. Expanding piece of the overall industry 1. Low value center 2. Past obligations 3. Essentially relies upon UK customers. Opportunity Dangers 1. Progressively universal acknowledgment 2. New vehicle dispatch 3. New arrangements 1. Expanding contenders territory 2. Loosing upper level clients 3. New rivals in the market References Dunkel, W., Kleemann, F. (2013). Clients at work. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Shankar, V., Carpenter, G. (2012). Handbook of Marketing Strategy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Analysis of The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros Essay
In the wake of having perused the novel â€Å"The House on Mango Street†by Sandra Cisneros I will presently focus on the foundation of the novel that moved Sandra Cisneros to compose it by exploring the novel with extraordinary respect to its various measurements. 1. The Novel 1.1 Summary The epic â€Å"The House on Mango Street†is composed by Sandra Cineros. It manages family, neighborhood and dreams of a youthful Mexican young lady, Esperanza Cordero experiencing childhood in Chicago. The epic starts when the Corderos move into another house on Mango Street in the Latino area of Chicago. The way that it is the primary house they have ever possessed, do right by them. In any case, when Esperanza sees it, she is baffled by the red, run down house. It isn't the one their folks let them know nor Esperanza longed for. Esperanza isn't simply disappointed with her home, however she is likewise embarrassed about her appearance and of her name, which is consistently mispronunced, and sounds if the syllables were made of tin and on the off chance that they were a discipline for the ears. Esperanza was named after her extraordinary grandma, who had to wed and condemned to a real existence loaded with pity. However, Esperanza swears that she won't have a similar predetermination like her incredible grandma. Esperanza aches for a name that fits to her, that communicates her character: â€Å"Zeze the X†(Cisneros, p.11). In time, she sees how happy and unforgiving reality can be throughout everyday life. Her first fellowship is only a short one in light of the fact that Cathy’s familiy before long moves away on account of the area, that turns out to be increasingly occupied by lower-class, individuals like Esperanza’s family. By contributing five dollars for a bicycle, Esperanza is remembered for the friend network of two more youthful sisters. By Lucy and Rachel, Esperanza is presented in the marvels of growing up by discussing mists, hips and marching around Mango Street in high-obeyed shoes. By the more seasoned children, Esperanza can watch the hardships youngsters are defied with in unpleasant neighborhoods: Louie’s vehicle robbery, the demise of a kid by a mishap Marin becomes acquainted with, and Marin’s edgy endeavor to discover a spouse she can escape from this spot. Every one of these things open Esperanza’s eyes and show her the restricted possibilities which are offered and she had in such an area. Alicia, then again, is an exemple for the less who leave nothing to his destiny, however step up to the plate. In spite of her father’s see, she goes... ...v. ed., 1970) Keller, Jã ¼rg P., The American Dream Gone Astray. (Berne: Peter Lang, European Academic Publishers, 1995) Savin, Ada, â€Å"Mexican-American Literature†in: New Immigrant Literatures in the US. (London: Alpana Sharma Knippling, 1996) Simone, Roberta, The Immigrant Esperience in American Fiction. (Boston: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1995) Web sources: http://www2.cwrl.utexas.edu/sheila/314s96/understudies/mitch/mach.htm, 2000, 19.Mar.2001 http://twu.edu/www/twu/library/zumwalt.html, Mar. 2001, 24.Feb.2001 http://voices.cla.umn.edu/creators/SandraCisneros.html, Mar. 2001, 24.Feb.2001-03-22 http://www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/4/0,5716,121244+1+111233,00.html, 27.Feb.2001 http://www.britannica.com/bcom/eb/article/0/0,5716,115530+1+108719,00.html, 03.Mar.2001 http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-container/dict.pl?term=home, Jan.1998, 17.Mar.2001 http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-container/dict.pl?term=machismo, Jan.1998, 19.Mar.2001 http://www.hausaufgabe.de/cgi-container/information/fetch.pl?id=1469&ids=1469+1188, Nov.2000, 03.Mar.2001 http://www.nclr.org/about/nclrfaq.html, 1999, 03.Mar.2001 http://www.students.depaul.edu/~mrodrig/history.html, 09.Mar.2001
Friday, August 21, 2020
Development Leadership and Change Management
Question: Talk about the Development Leadership and Change Management. Answer: Presentation The authority is vital for the association as it advances the commencement of the activity from each working faculty who are working cooperatively for achieving the authoritative objectives. Shetty (2014) depicts that successful administration assumes a urgent job in propelling their workers and give them direction so they can give their best for the hierarchical procedures. Building spirit and detailing powerful workplace are the two extra advantages of the nearness of administration inside an association. Around here report, the hypothesis of administration style followed in the COCA-COLA will be broke down. In addition, the hole examination of the idea model of administration and authority case in COCA-COLA will likewise be talked about alongside the SWOT investigation of the concerned association and the use of Lewin's change model. Ultimately, the report wraps up with the suggestion and a general finish of the whole conversation. Hole investigation The initiative style that is delineated in the principal task is the possibility hypothesis and way objective hypothesis while for the situation investigation of the Coca-Cola is imaginative administration, culturally diverse authority and visionary administration. In the main task, it is expressed that strong authority, where the workers are treated as the significant resources and participative administration mirrors the sharing of information inside the association. Later in the subsequent task, it is seen that packaging accomplices are in consistent contact with the goal that nearby procedure of the coca-cola can be executed. Notwithstanding that, the main task underscores on the administration styles of mandate initiative and accomplishment arranged authority. Mandate authority connotes that the pioneers direct their worker to tails one certain methodology; in any case, Coca-Cola offers significance to inventive administration (Kerr, 2014). This gives the worker the support to recommend new thoughts. This development likewise prompts the interests in the RD. Adekola and Sergi (2016) characterizes that Cross-Cultural Leadership is likewise embraced by the organization with the goal that their great highlights can be contemplated like efficiency of Japan, difficult work of Indians and dependability of Chinese; while, in the customary administration, expansion isn't presented and it brings about clashes. The hole depends on the exploiting the broadened information on the representative with the goal that impression of there can be better comprehend a redid items as per their need can be created. SWOT examination of the contextual investigation SWOT Factors Examination of the components Qualities Coca-Cola is a notable brand over the world and they have their image prominence wherever aside from Cuba and North Korea. They additionally have some prestigious auxiliary brands like Kinley, Limca,and Minute Made, and so on. Their pioneers adequately investigate the patterns of the region and individuals requests and plan new items like Diet Coke for wellbeing cognizant individuals (Mirvis et al. 2016). Their viable initiative styles additionally bring about the representative quality of around 150,000 individuals over the globe (Foster, 2014). They have a few chiefs following transformational authority qualities and accordingly, they have embraced a cutting edge way to deal with advancing their brands. These pioneers likewise accentuate on the CSR exercises and Coca-Cola consistently gives a bit of their yearly income for the advantages of reusing, training, wellbeing, and so forth. Sports, social occasions and competitions sponsorship likewise help them to pick up the acknowledgment among the network. Shortcoming Ineffectual observing of the overseeing specialists and the pioneer's outcomes in poor hierarchical procedures like the nearness of hints of pesticides are found in the beverage. Steady solid rivalry from other driving association like PepsiCo over the authority styles and pieces of the overall industry The association just spotlights on the assembling of the beverage items and not yet began the plan of the nibble thing as like different contenders do (Rubin, 2013) Opportunity Authority styles in the Coca-Cola get the opportunity to recognize the prerequisite of nibble items so more clients can get pulled in towards their image (Pfitzer et al., 2013). They have the chance to secure different organizations Dangers So as to grow their business objectives, they have the danger of legitimate commitments of those nations and spots. Market expansion, monetary stoppage and insecurity of the countries where Coca-Cola is working their business is an extraordinary danger to the concerned association. Table 1: SWOT examination of the contextual analysis (Source: Created by Author) Lewin's change model Lewin's change model has three stages to follow-unfreezing,changing andrefreezing (van sanctum Heuvel et al., 2013). Manchester et al. (2014) expressed that as per Kurt Lewin, the procedure first beginnings from the recognition that change is required and afterward get little changes the conduct and afterward changing those adjustments in conduct into a standard. Lewin's Change Model Factors Clarification Application Unfreezing Worley and Mohrman (2014) characterizes that an association when comprehends that there is a necessity of progress, they test the Lewin's change model. Sutherland (2013) portrays that the prime target of this progression is to assessment whether the utilization of the change inside the work environment is thwarting the association somehow or another, as certain individuals don't avoid change unexpectedly. In this procedure, the overseeing authority needs to assess the authoritative structure cautiously and give the workers a substantial purpose behind how fundamental change is for the association and what will be the advantages of the progressions in applied in the association. In the primary phase of the Lewin's Change Model, the pioneer of the Coca-Cola recognizes that there is a change that must be made in its items and business procedures that can fulfill the necessities of the clients and outside condition. The principal change saw is the development of their business to different nations other than the United States. The second change they expect to execute is to advance their image by accomplishing social work. The execution of the third change was to beaten the circumstance of budgetary emergency like in the hours of the Asian money related emergency they procured packaging, espresso and bistro. The fourth change is to develop their items for fulfilling each customer need and progressively secure bundling. They likewise want to change the promoting procedure of their image and target gathering. They additionally change their exercises of Employee Engagement Evolving In this stage, the association must progress into the new state for the execution of the change rule (Karnani, 2013). In addition, in this stage worker battles with new changes. Notwithstanding that, Kapferer (2012) states that at one hand, some worker takes this change rule excitedly while some of them are experiencing vulnerability and dread. A constructive aspect regarding this stage is that individuals start to get familiar with the new practices and innovative focal points that the association actualizes in the working environment and training, correspondence, backing and time are given to representatives so they can figure out how to use these progressions for better profitability. Coca-cola takes the activities for lawful commitments with the goal that they can grow their organization to different nations. For this, they have to execute enhancement in the organization. Karnani (2013) expressed that for accomplishing better CSR rating, Coco-Cola took activities for the enlisting their representatives in willful works. So as to actualize obtaining, arrangement was done that require in the selection of other association's way of life and conduct. RD assumes a urgent job in the development of the items that expects preparing to the worker with the goal that they can propose something better for the association (Cummings Worley, 2014). Preparing in IT with the goal that new computerized media can be focused for the commercials (Greenfield, 2016). Change in the prize framework to rouse representatives that may set various objectives and focuses for workers. Refreezing The last phase of his change model is the demonstration ofreinforcing, settling and actualizing the change rule in the working environment. The essential target to roll out this improvement as a standard is to assess whether a representative is returning to their old reasoning and business methodology. Benn et al. (2014) further expressed that some association positive prizes and affirmation are being offered to the representatives with the goal that they can decidedly strengthen the changed strategy in the working environment. The compelling authority brings about the foundation of 64 plants over the 200 nations to gracefully drinks. Coca-Cola gives free beverages and refreshments to the destitute individuals and accomplishes social work (Metzger, 2014). They had effectively procured packaging, espresso and coffee bar organizations in Korea and Malaysia with the goal that they can utilize their innovation for the advantages of their image. The exploration has effectively actualized by figuring the wellbeing drinks like eating regimen Coke and improved bundling that can keep the beverage from hurtful impacts. Change has been executed in the publicizing techniques like a Facebook fan page, Twitter and Instagram (Dempster et al., 2015). Representative preparing for social affair the information on the new difficulties to accomplish the objectives while exploiting the prize framework (Nachiappan et al., 2016). Table 2: Lewin's change model and its clarification and application (Source: Created by Author) Suggestion The overseeing experts in the Coca-Cola must find out the center issues that are required for the change managemen
Wesfarmers Presentation Wesfarmers is a helpful that offers types of assistance and items in Australia. The Corporation was set up in 1914 (Wesfarmers Limited 2011). The association turned into the biggest makers of wheat in 1924. Wesfarmers Cooperative turned into a constrained organization in 1940. Wesfarmers items incorporate composts, coal sends out, agrarian synthetic concoctions, and security gear (Wesfarmers Limited 2011).Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Wesfarmers explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The points of the association incorporate customer’s fulfillment, wellbeing, uprightness, proficiency, ecological insurance and corporate administration. This report gives a point by point examination of the budgetary situation of Wesfarmers Corporation. To assess the companys stock worth, we will contemplate their monetary position. In this way, the firm’s, money related execution bolster its monetary development and investors quality. This paper will assess five money related exhibitions of Wesfarmers Cooperative. The money related factors incorporate momentary dissolvability, showcase based speculation, productivity proportions, effectiveness proportions and long haul dissolvability. Accordingly, we will assess Wesfarmers execution for two budgetary years. Utilizing Wesfarmers Annual Report 2011, we figured five money related proportions of the association. At last, the monetary audit will be from 2010 to 2011. Proportions Table1: Short-term dissolvability proportion 2010 ($m) 2011 ($m) Average ($m) Current proportion 1.23 1.17 1.2 Quick proportion 0.64 0.60 0.62 Cash stream from activities to liabilities 42% 33% 38% To compute the dissolvability proportions of Wesfarmers Corporation, we will apply distinctive budgetary recipes. Current proportion = current resources/current liabilitiesAdvertising Looking for exposition on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first pa per with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, for 2010, 9674/7852 = 1.23 For 2011, 10218/8722 = 1.17 Quick proportion = snappy resources/current liabilities Thus, for 2010, = 1640 + 1767 + 1384 + 150 + 75/7852 = 0.64 For 2011, 5231/8722 = 0.60Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Wesfarmers explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Operating income from tasks to current liabilities = working income/current liabilities Thus, for 2010, 3327/7852 = 42% For 2011, 2917/8722 = 33% Table 2: Efficiency proportions 2010 2011 AverageAdvertising Searching for paper on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Charge turnover 27 Average days deals uncollected 14 days 14 days 14 days Inventory turnover 2 3 2.5 Inventory turnover in days 122 days 146 days 134 days Debt turnover = net deals/normal indebted individuals Average days deals uncollected = days in years debtor’s turnover Inventory turnover = cost of products sold/normal stock Inventory turnover in days = days in the year/stock turnover Thus account holders turnover = 49865/(1893 + 1767/2) = 27 Average days deals uncollected = 365/25 = 14 days Inventory turnover = 9674/(4665 + 4658/2) = 2 Inventory turnover days = 365/3 = 122 days Table 3: Profitability proportions 2010 2011 Average net revenue 3.3% 3.7% 3.5 Interest cost as a level of deals 1.3% 1.5% 1.4 Asset turnover 1.3 1.32 1.31 Return on resource 5.7% 5.53% 5.62 Return of common shareholder’s value 6.4% 7.7% 7.05 Net overall revenue = net benefit/deals Interest cost as a level of deals = premium cost/deals Asset turnover = deals/normal complete resources Return o n resources = net benefit + after duty premium cost/normal absolute resources Return of standard shareholder’s value = net benefit †inclination profit/normal customary shareholder’s value Thus, for 2010, net revenue = 1565/49865 = 3.3% Interest cost as a level of deals = 650/49202 = 1.3% Asset turnover = 49856/(39236 +39062/2) = 1.3 Return on resource = 2215/39149 = 5.7% Return of conventional shareholder’s value = 1565 0/(24248 +24694/2) = 6.4% Table 4: Long-term dissolvability proportions 2010 2011 Average Debt to value 0.59 0.61 0.6 Debt to add up to resources 0.37 0.38 Interest inclusion 3.64 Cash stream from tasks to add up to liabilities 22.9% 18.8% 20.5 Debt to value = all out liabilities/all out shareholder’s value Debt to add up to resources = all out liabilities/all out resources Interest inclusion = net benefit + personal assessment + premium/Interest cost Cash stream from activities to add up to liabilities = working income/all out liabil ities Thus, for 2010, Debt to value = 14542/24694 = 0.59 Debt to add up to resources = 14542/39236 = 0.37 Interest inclusion = (1565 + 650 + 149)/650 = 3.64 Cash stream from tasks to add up to liabilities = 3327/14542 = 22.9% Table 5: Market-based proportions 2010 2011 Average Price/Earnings (P/E) 0.18 0.19 0.2 Earnings yield 5.5% 5.23 5.34 Dividend yield 5.54% 5.23 5.3 Net unmistakable resource backing $0.87 $0.90 0.9 Price/Earnings (P/E) = showcase cost per share/profit per share Earnings yield = income per share/advertise value esteem Dividend yield = profit per share/advertise cost per share Net substantial resource backing = net substantial resource/number of common offers gave Thus, for 2010, Price/Earnings = 24.48/135 = 0.18 Earnings yield = 135/24.48 = 5.5% Dividend yield = 135.7/24.48 = 5.54% Net unmistakable resource backing = 24694 4328/23286 = $0.87 Evaluation Short-term dissolvability proportions Short-term dissolvability proportions depict an organizations capacity to counterbalance obligations and advances. Consequently, an organizations ability to withstand monetary misery is called momentary dissolvability (AccountingExplained.com 2013). The highlights of momentary dissolvability incorporate income from tasks, speedy proportion, and current proportion. In 2010, Wesfarmers current proportion was 1.2. By suggestion, the firm’s current proportion depicts the Wesfarmers capacity to cover the momentary money related misery. Thus, the firm can counterbalance 1.2 occasions its liabilities. In any case, the present proportion dropped in 2011. Subsequently, the organizations commitment to reimburse transient liabilities dropped from 1.23 to 1.17. Wesfarmers brisk proportion was 0.64 in 2010. Brisk proportion portrays an organizations money stores and resources. Therefore, the association can reimburse sixty four percent of its liabilities. Be that as it may, the organizations speedy proportion dropped to 0.60 in 2011. Income from activities to l iabilities depicts a firm’s capacity to reimburse obligation utilizing working incomes (Anderson 2013). Wesfarmers income was 42 and 33 percent in 2010 and 2011 individually. The proportion uncovered that the firm can produce money to pay transient liabilities. Subsequently, financial specialists will become investors. Productivity proportions Wesfarmers receivables can be estimated by its proficiency proportion. Along these lines, effectiveness proportion depicts the organizations turnover on resources and liabilities. Wesfarmers debtor’s turnover remained at 27 days in 2010 and 2011. By suggestion, the firm’s obligation assortment takes longer time. Nonetheless, its normal deal uncollected was 14 days. Along these lines, the organizations ability to gather the borrowers account was 14 days. Nonetheless, its stock turnover rose from 2 to 3 of every 2011. By suggestion, the firm’s speculations expanded with inventories (The Brandow Company 2012). Wesfarme rs turnover in days depicts the quantity of days to sell its inventories. The organizations turnover in days dropped from 122 to 146 out of 2011. Benefit proportions net revenue portrays a firm’s ability to produce income after intrigue installment (Small Business Development Corporation 2012). Wesfarmers net overall revenue expanded from 3.3 percent in 2010 to 3.7 percent in 2011. Subsequently, the organizations interior deals expanded by 1 percent. The firm’s intrigue cost as a level of deals rose from 1.3 to 1.5 percent. By suggestion, the organizations cost of intrigue depicts its dependability and productivity. Wesfarmers resource turnover gives no indication of increment in 2011. The organizations normal industry was 1.31, which shows its productivity in resource turnover. Profit for resources possibly dropped from 5.7 to 5.53 in 2011. By suggestion, showcase patterns, expansion, and devaluation affected the organizations return on resources. Wesfarmers return of common investors value rose from 6.4 to 7.7 percent. Along these lines, the organizations working execution was critical in 2011. Long haul dissolvability proportions Long-term dissolvability depicts an organizations commitment to balance credits (Mike-Bazley 2013). In any case, the reimbursement covers a more drawn out period than momentary dissolvability. Wesfarmers obligation to value proportion rose from 0.59 to 0.61 in 2011. The proportion depicts the association among value and obligation financing (Peavier 2012). Be that as it may, the firm’s obligation to add up to resources didn't increment in 2011. Wesfarmers normal industry was 0.38 in 2011. The proportion portrays the segment of benefits that spread obligation financing. Wesfarmers intrigue inclusion remained at 3.64 in 2010 and 2011. Accordingly, the organizations all out liabilities expanded from 14,542 to 15, 485 million dollars in 2011. Notwithstanding, the organizations income from tasks to add up to liabili ties dropped from 22.9 to 18.8 percent. In this way, the organizations resource use and reserve funds will improve its net resources. Market-based proportions The market estimation of an association is dictated by its market-based proportions (Morningstar, Inc. 2013). Wesfarmers cost per profit rose from 0.18 to 0.19 in 2011. Consequently, the stock cost uncovers the firm’s advertise esteem. Resource assignments are dictated by the organizations income yield. Thus, Wesfarmers profit yield over a multi year time frame dropped to 5.23 percent in 2011. The firm’s profit yield dropped from 5.54 to 5.23 in 2011. Be that as it may, its net substantial resource backing rose from 0.87 to 0.90 in 2011. Thus, the firm’s total assets was 25,329 million dollars in 2011. The proportion uncovers that Wesfarmers stock worth will stay consistent durin
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Writing Topics For Your Essay
Writing Topics For Your EssayThe kind of essay you write depends on the topic for which you want to prepare a paper. This is another important step that you should consider if you are writing a thesis. In general, there are two kinds of essays you can prepare in school. They are the ones that have a particular topic and those that do not.Usually, students choose to prepare a thesis in order to find out whether they are good in writing and following a particular topic. It is important to understand the purpose of writing a paper before you decide to write it. If your reason is to find out whether you are good at writing, you can use the task to improve your skills. Since writing an essay involves researching and thinking, you can use the process to increase your analytical skills. You will learn how to organize your thoughts in order to make it more clear and accurate.However, if you are going to write an essay in order to find out whether you are good at writing, you should first kno w what type of essay you are going to write. In this case, you should know the main types of essays. A topic, also known as the subject, is the central theme of the entire piece.The main point of the paper is the central concept or topic. It is the objective of the entire essay. You must be able to outline the principal parts of the essay so that you can choose the appropriate essay writing topics for xat.Essays generally differ in nature. A research essay is one that includes facts about a certain subject. A persuasive essay, on the other hand, is a written work that makes a case for a certain position or theory. This type of essay is intended to persuade others to agree with the argument. In addition, it is written for personal use and is meant to help the reader decide.Another type of essay is an analytical essay, which deals with findings from studies that are considered relevant to the main topic. The argument of this essay has to make sense and be convincing. In addition, it i s written in order to compare the results with the criteria given by the topic of the essay.When it comes to writing an essay for the thesis, the topic of the essay is important. It is the basis of the entire writing process. However, the kind of writing paper you choose also depends on the topic of the assignment.The essay writing topics for xat available on the Internet can help you find out the right writing topic. If you cannot find one that you like, you can consider the ones that you are most familiar with. As long as the information is written in a way that will allow the reader to understand it, you can choose it as your topic.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Muslim Women and Hip-Hop - Free Essay Example
One look at this title and you probably went: â€Å"here they go again, trying to justify haram†. We are so sorry you has that thought and we sincerely want you to know that this title came from a place of kindness regarding the Muslim woman and her identity. We definitely did not pick this title to kick against valid religious opinions and doctrines, we just want you to take a step back and see how music could benefit you as a human. We hope you read on from this point but if you really do not want to, we completely understand – Allah Allahm (Allah knows best). There has generally been a lot of struggle for Muslims concerning music, especially since it is not religiously permissible. Asides from being very handy at parties, music has been used in a lot of different ways some people need it to reach a creative environment that connects them to the true beauty of their art, others use it as a way of calming themselves in situations they can’t handle or simply want to enjoy. We have nasheeds (Islamic songs produced with instruments), which include the greatness of Allah (S.W.T) and the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) a few Islamic teachings. Speaking of teachings, music have been used as a way to help people learn bulks of information that would rather have taken longer to grasp and this stays on in their memories forever. The fact that music is not allowed for Muslims has posed serious friction in the application of both cultures. Individuals find themselves having to gauge one over the other and eventually either mix them regardless, or go with being a Muslim – sending music back into its â€Å"forbidden†den. Speaking of culture, Islam historically and for many years had a bias against music that wasn’t from the Middle East or other regions. This sort of negates the whole point of the restriction. Again, this is not to score points for music, but to see it as a means of inspiration and encouragement for people’s being or perceptio ns. Let’s talk about Muslim artistes in music – particularly women – with no specifics or name dropping. Apart from being our appearance, the hijab is also an identity and beyond the hijab, we are humans who are susceptible to everything possible that humans can go through. This means that we seek for encouragement and inspiration from different places, just as humans do and also react to things in unique way like humans. Do you get it yet? We’re humans too! Part of the reasons why we created this collective is to address the reasons why a lot of Muslim artists (especially women) have been scarce from the mainstream. Support is almost non-existent because, their craft is seen as â€Å"prohibited†and as such, people won’t really support a religiously prohibited craft. Have you ever imagined a Muslim woman in hijab and in hip hop? You don’t like that combination, right? Your dislike simply translated into hurt for us. Let’s take a moment to quickly brush through how there was more backlash than support or even some form of empathy. To the Muslim ummah, we were wrong in the way we were expressing ourselves, which made the messages we were trying to pass on, lost in the noise. As unique Muslim women, we have tolled this path because of the benefits that music poses to our human side and its survival. There are a number of things that you might be missing out on and these things are great for not only the younger generation, but the society at large. Again, we are in no way negating religious opinions here. We just hope that you would come on to our side and see a few, if not all reasons with us. Music is ingrained with a lot of healing benefits that you might find interesting. Boosts positive emotions This has also been confirmed by Neuroscientists. They discovered that the centers of the brain stimulates dopamine hits that causes us to feel positive emotions. Listening to music literally puts the lights on in our brains. With the way our daily life is woven, who wouldn’t love some positivity all the time? Neuroscientists have worked hard to show you that positivity is certainly possible through music. Keeps you calm Like we mentioned in a paragraph earlier, some people listen to music to bring them calm. Sometimes, you might not be paying attention to what is playing in your head but the mere fact that it’s playing, transports you to a whole other universe that you can call your own as well as just relax in. it doesn’t matter if the previous mood you were in was one that had you riled up, music has a way of lowering tension and subtly making you feel at ease. Two reasons are definitely too few to help you understand its benefits, but music is a healing tool rather than a negative one. If you are a creative person who loves to churn out amazing, unique pieces and are reading this, you will find that music helps to bring in that touch of difference to your work. This in turn improves work performance. Music is mostly applied to parties and dancing (dancing is also a craft for some), but maybe as Muslims, we can recognize the reason behind the adoption of our kind of music. Hip hop has different facets which can be found in individual delivery, so we urge you to view things from our own side of the spectrum before deciding for yourself on if it’s good or bad. We do hope you go for the former though! Healing is great for us as humans and as Muslims. We spread life changing messages through our craft as female artistes – messages you can relate with and that can help you navigate life better. We understand your principles and would love for you to support us in circulating these lessons, healing as many people per different periods of times as we all can. Do you hear the music? It’s calling, waiting to help you mend and blend anything you want in whichever way you need.
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